My phone is continuously dinging with updates about sports schedules. Soccer, baseball, track, softball, swim team. I am thrilled our five children (15, 14, 11,9, and 7 years old) can play sports again this spring after having last year off due to the pandemic. I am happy that we are counting down the days until the last day of school and summer starts instead of being forced into an unplanned 2-month break before summer. I am thankful our state government understands the value of children being in social settings, such as school and sports, during this unprecedented time. I am sad for those children and families in other areas that are not able to do the things they want and need to yet.
My calendar for the rest of April, May and June is quickly becoming a color collage as I add more games and practices in. My heart starts to beat faster as I realize that all four boys have a game, meet, or practice on the same night, in four different locations, on multiple dates and our daughter’s sport has yet to be added. My mind works to figure out who will get whom where, which child will have a parent in the stands, what food do we need to have on hand during those days, will I be able to see more than one in action that eve, when can I fit work in, what will temperature be like.
Peace. Be Still.
The reminder from the Bible fills my heart. When I go to search which verse it comes from, the Bible app I use explodes with references. Obviously, God knew we would need numerous reminders for peace and stillness to be able to function each day. I need to remember his wisdom and power far exceed my reactions.
Today, as I add another game to the schedule and feel my heart beat faster and my mind race again, I will choose to stop and breathe. I will breathe in peace and breathe out worry. I will feel gratitude for the ability to provide opportunities to my family. I will ask for help from the village of parents that are gracious enough to take another child for the evening. I will thank God for these precious beings who are in our care for such a short time. I will be in the moment because it will pass so quickly and may be adjusted for whatever the reason. I will be focus on serenity today.
Peace. Be Still.